Saturday, March 5, 2011

learning the settings

Sometimes photography is simply maddening. I hate when i get bound up in the mechanics of setting up a shot and miss the moments.
To whit, I have a new camera, I've used it before, but rarely to shoot in color. It's now my main camera, and there's a bit of a learning curve. Meaning I've got to get myself up to speed on adjusting ALL the settings on the fly, before I can hope to function at the speed that I'm accustomed to working at.
I feel like I'm relearning to ride a bike.

It's frustrating, but necessary. And there's no avoiding it.
Most important is sorting the color settings as I move from sunlight, to shade, to indoors.
My subject is named Ana, and she was a total sport for humoring me as I practiced. Thank you for your patience!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


It's funny how and where my inspiration comes from. And how unexpected it can be. It's also an odd fact that, the more photos I take, the more I feel like an impostor with a camera. It takes a certain amount of pride to announce to the world that you are a photographer. And while I love what I do, I know that there are so many more talented people than me out there. It seems, the more photographs I take, the more I realize I have to learn. I guess that's the beauty of a hobby though right?
I do this because I love it. Because it lets me show people, literally, how I see things in an instance. It's like inviting someone into my mind, and letting them see the beauty.
My inspiration comes from so many things. Sometimes, it's as simple as a feeling of hope and wonderment from an event that happens in my life.

Children inspire me.
Children are perhaps my favorite subjects. They are completely unpredictable and a worthwhile session takes patience, smiles, and constant vigilance. Fortunately, when it comes to children, I have these qualities. The utmost joy that I capture in sessions with children inspires me to try to capture that happiness and reckless abandonment in their older versions. Children remind me to strive to achieve the same emotions in in all of my other sessions.


I've always cherished photographs. The moments and emotions they capture, frozen for reflection. From quiet stolen moments to the most garish rebel rouser, all can be preserved forever.
For this reason I'm never happier than when I'm behind a camera. I can't wait to meet you, and to start helping capture your memories.

About Me

My photo
Arlington, TX
Ridiculous facts discovered by me! Occasionally peppered with rants regarding popular subjects or any other thing that happens to cross my mind.
